Homeopathic Indications: CAN1:PC is for the temporary relief of symptoms related to Candida Albicans infection including nausea, drowsiness, lethargy, confusion, vaginal discharge, sensitivities to foods and other fungi, petrochemicals, and mucous congestion. These statements are based upon traditional homeopathic practices. They have not been reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and ...
Part No: DB-CAN1
Homeopathic Indications: CAN200:PC is for the temporary relief of symptoms related to Candida Albicans infection including nausea, drowsiness, lethargy, confusion, vaginal discharge, sensitivities to foods and other fungi, petrochemicals, and mucous congestion. These statements are based upon traditional homeopathic practices. They have not been reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food ...
Part No: DB-CAN2
Homeopathic Indications: CAND:Plus is for the temporary relief of symptoms related to Candida albicans infection such as nausea, drowsiness, lethargy, confusion, vaginal discharge, sensitivities to foods and mucous congestion. These statements are based upon traditional homeopathic practices. They have not been reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).  ...
Part No: DB-CAND
Professional Complementary Health FormulasProfessional Complementary Health Formulas
Fungus Nosode Combo 1oz
Homeopathic Nosode Formula which may provide support to aid in improving resistance and recovery from symptoms associated with fungi which may have become pathogenic in the body. Since the eighteenth century, homeopathy has been used to stimulate the body to engage its own healing mechanisms in the pursuit of restoring homeostasis. Nosodes are homeopathic attenuations of pathological organs, tissues or ...
Part No: PF-R401
Professional Complementary Health FormulasProfessional Complementary Health Formulas
Low Mycosis Nosode 2oz
 Homeopathic Nosode Formula which may provide support to aid in immune enhancement to fungal conditions. Since the eighteenth century, homeopathy has been used to stimulate the body to engage its own healing mechanisms in the pursuit of restoring homeostasis. Nosodes are homeopathic attenuations of pathological organs, tissues or causative agents such as bacteria, fungi, ova, excretions or secretions, parasites, virus particles ...
Part No: PF-N21
Professional Complementary Health FormulasProfessional Complementary Health Formulas
Mycocan 100X Mycotoxin Nosode 2oz
May provide homeopathic aid in support of immune stimulation against fungal overgrowth of candida albicans. A mycotoxin homeopathic formula provides Nosode attenuations of Candida albicans for assistance with immune mobilization and desensitization related to acute or persistent Candida symptoms and/or conditions. Since the eighteenth century, homeopathy has been used to stimulate the body to engage its own ...
Part No: PF-NMC100
Professional Complementary Health FormulasProfessional Complementary Health Formulas
Mycocan 12X Mycotoxin Nosode 2oz
May provide homeopathic aid in support of immune stimulation against fungal overgrowth of candida albicans. A mycotoxin homeopathic formula provides Nosode attenuations of Candida albicans for assistance with immune mobilization and desensitization related to acute or persistent Candida symptoms and/or conditions. Since the eighteenth century, homeopathy has been used to stimulate the body to engage its own ...
Part No: PF-NMC12
Professional Complementary Health FormulasProfessional Complementary Health Formulas
Mycocan 30X Mycotoxin Nosode 2oz
May provide homeopathic aid in support of immune stimulation against fungal overgrowth of candida albicans. A mycotoxin homeopathic formula provides Nosode attenuations of Candida albicans for assistance with immune mobilization and desensitization related to acute or persistent Candida symptoms and/or conditions. Since the eighteenth century, homeopathy has been used to stimulate the body to engage its own ...
Part No: PF-NMC30
Professional Complementary Health FormulasProfessional Complementary Health Formulas
Mycocan 500X Mycotoxin Nosode 2oz
May provide homeopathic aid in support of immune stimulation against fungal overgrowth of candida albicans. A mycotoxin homeopathic formula provides Nosode attenuations of Candida albicans for assistance with immune mobilization and desensitization related to acute or persistent Candida symptoms and/or conditions. Since the eighteenth century, homeopathy has been used to stimulate the body to engage its own ...
Part No: PF-NMC500
Professional Complementary Health FormulasProfessional Complementary Health Formulas
Mycocan 60X Mycotoxin Nosode 2oz
May provide homeopathic aid in support of immune stimulation against fungal overgrowth of candida albicans. A mycotoxin homeopathic formula provides Nosode attenuations of Candida albicans for assistance with immune mobilization and desensitization related to acute or persistent Candida symptoms and/or conditions. Since the eighteenth century, homeopathy has been used to stimulate the body to engage its own ...
Part No: PF-NMC60
Professional Complementary Health FormulasProfessional Complementary Health Formulas
Mycocan Combo Mycotoxin Nosode 2oz
May provide homeopathic aid in support of immune stimulation against fungal overgrowth of candida albicans. A mycotoxin homeopathic formula provides Nosode attenuations of Candida albicans for assistance with immune mobilization and desensitization related to acute or persistent Candida symptoms and/or conditions. Since the eighteenth century, homeopathy has been used to stimulate the body to engage its own ...
MycoCan-Chord (expanded to include the function of Myco-Chord) is a homeopathic combination formula for symptoms associated with candida and exposure to mold or fungus. Candida imbalances often occur in a wide variety of situations such as poor diets or heavy metal or chemical exposure.   Exposure to mold and fungus may occur through the respiratory tract, ingested food, or trans-dermally. The homeopathic ...
Part No: 02181
Professional Complementary Health FormulasProfessional Complementary Health Formulas
Mycological Immune Stimulator Xenobiotic 2oz
Homeopathic support for immune enhancement  to assist in elimination of fungal overgrowth and balance immune response. Detoxification Homeopathics A Xenobiotic is a man-made or other abnormal material that is foreign to the body. Xenobiotic Homeopathics, which are sometimes called isodes or detoxodes, are homeopathic attenuations of these foreign botanical, zoological, or chemical ...
Part No: PF-X10
Professional Complementary Health FormulasProfessional Complementary Health Formulas
Mycosis Nosode Drops 2oz
Homeopathic Nosode Formula which may provide support to aid in immune enhancement to fungal conditions. Since the eighteenth century, homeopathy has been used to stimulate the body to engage its own healing mechanisms in the pursuit of restoring homeostasis. Nosodes are homeopathic attenuations of pathological organs, tissues or causative agents such as bacteria, fungi, ova, excretions or secretions, parasites, ...
Part No: PF-N1
Professional Complementary Health FormulasProfessional Complementary Health Formulas
Mycotoxin Inhibitor Xenobiotic 2oz
Homeopathic support to assist immune enhancement in the elimination of mycotoxin infections and inhibit continued growth. Detoxification Homeopathics A Xenobiotic is a man-made or other abnormal material that is foreign to the body. Xenobiotic Homeopathics, which are sometimes called isodes or detoxodes, are homeopathic attenuations of these foreign botanical, zoological, or chemical substances ...
Part No: PF-X20
Professional Complementary Health FormulasProfessional Complementary Health Formulas
Mytox Xenobiotic 2oz
Homeopathic support to aid in drainage and relief of symptoms associated with fungal conditions. Detoxification Homeopathics A Xenobiotic is a man-made or other abnormal material that is foreign to the body. Xenobiotic Homeopathics, which are sometimes called isodes or detoxodes, are homeopathic attenuations of these foreign botanical, zoological, or chemical substances that interfere with ...
Part No: PF-X21
Professional Complementary Health FormulasProfessional Complementary Health Formulas
Nail Fungus Nosodes Drops 2oz
Homeopathic Nosode Formula which may provide support to aid in improving resistance and recovery from symptoms associated with common nail fungus conditions. Since the eighteenth century, homeopathy has been used to stimulate the body to engage its own healing mechanisms in the pursuit of restoring homeostasis. Nosodes are homeopathic attenuations of pathological organs, tissues or causative agents such as ...
Part No: PF-N29
Professional Complementary Health FormulasProfessional Complementary Health Formulas
Toxic Fungi- Mold Nosode 2oz
Homeopathic Nosode Formula which may aid in support of improving resistance to and immune enhancement to toxic fungi and molds. Since the eighteenth century, homeopathy has been used to stimulate the body to engage its own healing mechanisms in the pursuit of restoring homeostasis. Nosodes are homeopathic attenuations of pathological organs, tissues or causative agents such as bacteria, fungi, ova, excretions ...
Part No: PF-N18
Professional Complementary Health FormulasProfessional Complementary Health Formulas
Valley Fever Coccidioidmycosis Nosode Drops 2oz
Homeopathic Nosode Formula which may provide support to aid in improving resistance and recovery from symptoms associated with the fungus Coccidioides immitis, which is known to reproduce inside the lungs. Since the eighteenth century, homeopathy has been used to stimulate the body to engage its own healing mechanisms in the pursuit of restoring homeostasis. Nosodes are homeopathic attenuations of pathological organs, tissues or ...
Part No: PF-N41